Conquering the Distraction Dragon as a Freelancer in Tech
Randy Smith
2 min read
Mastering the art of handling distractions at home while thriving in the tech freelance world.
In an era where technology has facilitated remote work, the tug-of-war between ensuring productivity and managing distractions is a real aspect of my life as a parent and tech freelancer.
The Reality of Distractions
From the sudden invasion of my son's robot toys on my keyboard to urgent emails pouring in, working from home can sometimes magnify distractions. However, amid all the chaos, I found strategies to remain productive.
Navigating through Noisy Days
A noisy day in parenting can look like helping with school projects, nursing occasional small ailments, or simply handling the thunderstorm of a toddler tantrum. On such days, being patient, flexible and keeping a calm demeanor are skills that I strongly rely on.
Strategies for Productivity
One of the ways to stay consistently productive in my tech work is adopting a 'time-boxing strategy.' I allot specific time slots for my work (coding or designing) and parenting duties. This way, I manage the most demanding aspects of my roles without any guilt or stress.
Parenting Duties
- Morning routines
- After-school activities
- Bedtime stories
Freelancing Tasks
- Brainstorm design ideas
- Write, review and tweak MDX codes
- Coordinate with team
Being disciplined with time management enabled me to enjoy each spectrum of my life without the other feeling like a distraction.
Coming Full Circle
In conclusion, achieving efficiency and balance as a tech freelancer and a parent at home boils down to embracing the reality of probable distractions, understanding your unique work style, and creating a robust routine. At first, it does seem like you're in the eye of a storm, but with time and experience, you learn to dance in it beautifully.